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Plant Anatomy Digital Archive

The Plant Anatomy Digital Archive features over 1,700 images from more than 250 species of plants collected from all over the world. The images are digitized micrographs of parts of plants that were sectioned, stained, and permanently mounted to a glass slide. Although the earliest specimen was collected in 1769 (Limonia acidissima L., number SV221), the majority were collected in the early 20th century. The Digital Archive shows a small selection of slides present in the Swingle Reference Collection, which consists of 3,200 specimens on over 26,000 glass microscope slides, from 575 plant species.

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All digital images in the Archive may be browsed or searched by taxonomic category, common name, structure, or locality.


Following Angiosperm Phylogeny Website, Stevens (2008)


Following Angiosperm Phylogeny Website, Stevens (2008)

Scientific Name

The scientific name is followed by the accession number of the plant specimen in parenthesis.


Plant structure as it was recorded in the source database.

Common Name

The common name was added if it appeared in The Plant Book, 2000 (Mabberley, D.J.). There was no common name listed for the majority of the plants.

Specimen Collection Location

The current name of the country if it could be determined from the locality data in the Swingle source database.